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  •  1 cup (250ml) warm milk
  •  1/2 cup (100g) sugar
  •  2 sachets of tradipan
  •  4 cups (560g) all-purpose wheat flour
  •  A tray or two
  •  A square of butter or a little shortening
  •  a pinch of salt
  •  70 g unsalted butter
  •  2 eggs + 1 extra at room temperature
  •  1 tsp vanilla extract
  •  To brush the breads: 1 egg beaten with half a teaspoon of sugar and a brush


 1. We start by making a fountain with the flour so that it is like a volcano.

 2. Then place 1 tsp of vanilla extract, make the warm milk, make the two eggs, apply the two envelopes of tradipan inside, make the sugar.

 3. Now break the butter into pieces and place them around the dish and apply a pinch of salt around them.

 4. Start kneading for 30 minutes, whipping hard.  After kneading it should have the consistency of pizza dough.

 5. With butter or lard, spread on the tray, cut 15 balls of dough, they should weigh approximately 15g.

 6. Now with the beaten egg, glaze the buns and then put the buns in the oven preheated to 175°C for ten minutes.
